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更新時間:2014-02-17 點擊量:530

ASCO的電磁閥可以滿足各種應用的需要,控制不同液態(tài)及氣態(tài)流體,提供廣泛的選擇:其介質(zhì)可以是易燃、易爆或腐蝕性的;壓力可達到150巴;溫度可以從-50℃到300℃;口徑從1/8 英 寸至6英寸,產(chǎn)品包括普通型、防爆型、手動復位、本安型、滑動型、長壽型、蒸汽/熱水專 用及氣控閥??蓮V泛應用于石化、電廠、環(huán)保和水處理行業(yè)以及醫(yī)療設備儀器等相關(guān)OEM配 套等等。另外,為滿足您客戶的特殊系統(tǒng)要求,ASCO的工程師會為您提出專業(yè)的意見,提供zui合適的產(chǎn)品與zui的售前售后服務。 ASCO分別在北京、上海、廣州、成都設有4個辦事處,并于98年在上海外高橋設立保稅倉,業(yè)務遍及全中國,并逐年迅速增長。中國的全面的網(wǎng)絡,致力于為客戶提供解決方案,您的需要就是我們的追求。 我們還發(fā)展了一支的代理商隊伍,方便客戶就近聯(lián)絡,提供服務! 代理商名單: 香港辦事處:香港怡富 北京辦事處
電磁閥ASCO閥門 - 世界的制造商
FLORHAM PARK, NEW JERSEY, USA – January 23, 2014 - U.S. students pursuing a degree in engineering are urged to apply to the 2014 ASCO Numatics Industrial Automation Engineering Scholarship program, sponsored by ASCO Numatics, the world’s leading manufacturer of comprehensive fluid automation, flow control, and pneumatics solutions.
ASCO Numatics will award two $5,000 scholarships to U.S. engineering students, provide $1,000 grants to their college’s engineering departments, and host the students at "The Amazing Packaging Race" at PACK EXPO International in Chicago in November.
The application period begins on January 23, 2014. The deadline to apply is March 31, 2014. Details and forms are available at: www.asconumatics.com/scholarship.
ASCO Numatics 2014 Engineering Scholarships
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"The ASCO Numatics Scholarship program provides talented U.S. students with the financial support they need to pursue their education, enhance their skills, and position them for a successful career in engineering," said Robert W. Kemple, Jr., executive vice president, sales and marketing – Americas, ASCO Numatics.
"Over the past 7 years, ASCO Numatics has awarded $60,000 in scholarships to 12 students based on their potential for leadership and for making a significant contribution to the industrial automation engineering profession. In addition, we have provided another $12,000 in grants to 10 U.S. schools of engineering," he noted.
William (Daniel) Whitten, of Tulsa, Okla., a recipient of a 2013 sch



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